Kubios HRV Blog

Welcome to the Kubios HRV Blog, your resource for harnessing heart rate variability (HRV) for
  • Research - Detailed information on HRV data pre-processing and various analysis methods of HRV for scientific research
  • Wellness - Information about HRV for health and wellness professionals
  • Sports - Information about HRV for sport and exercise professionals as well as enthusiastic athletes.

Featured Articles

Kubios HRV Readiness index

Wellness, Sports

Understanding HRV readiness score

Discover how HRV reveals your physiological readiness, what the different readiness score categories mean, and what’s their impact on training, stress management, and overall health.

Healthy aging


Physiological age

Physiological age reflects how well your body is functioning compared to typical age-related benchmarks. Learn how it’s estimated through HRV and the factors that influence it.



Ventilatory thresholds

Ventilatory thresholds indicate the transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. Learn how these thresholds can be reliably estimated using heart rate variability data.

Latest Articles

Managing fatigue with HRV

Sports, Wellness

Managing fatigue with HRV

Tired of feeling tired? Regular monitoring of HRV can help you gain insights into underlying causes of fatigue and differentiate between acute and chronic fatigue.

Exercise as medicine boosting metabolic health

Sports, Wellness

Exercise as medicine

Physical activity is a scientifically proven tool to enhance metabolic health. Learn how regular exercise optimizes cellular metabolism, enhancing vitality and wellbeing.



Ventilatory thresholds

Ventilatory thresholds indicate the transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. Learn how these thresholds can be reliably estimated using heart rate variability data.

Healthy aging


Physiological age

Physiological age reflects how well your body is functioning compared to typical age-related benchmarks. Learn how it’s estimated through HRV and the factors that influence it.

HRV-guided training with Kubios HRV readiness monitoring


HRV-guided training

HRV-guided training tailors workout intensity based on daily heart rate variability readings. Discover how this personalized approach helps optimize athletic performance and recovery.

Kubios HRV Readiness index

Wellness, Sports

Understanding HRV readiness score

Discover how HRV reveals your physiological readiness, what the different readiness score categories mean, and what’s their impact on training, stress management, and overall health.

Heart Rate Variability Normal Range

Research, Wellness, Sports

Heart rate variability normal range

This article introduces HRV normal values, what is good HRV, how HRV declines with age, and what are the gender specific differences in HRV.

ANS Function Analysis

Research, Wellness

ANS function analysis

Find out about the standard Ewing’s battery tests for assessing autonomic nervous system (ANS) function, and how Kubios HRV software analyzes ANS function.

About Heart Rate Variability

Research, Wellness, Sports

About heart rate variability

This introductory article explains what is heart rate variability (HRV), how it’s measured, what are the different components of HRV, and how HRV is analyzed.

ECG Waveform Analysis

Research, Wellness

ECG waveform analysis

The ECG waveform for a normal heart rhythm is characterized by three main components: P wave, QRS complex, and T wave. ECG waveform analysis is crucial for identifying various heart conditions.

Sport and Exercise Analysis


Sport and exercise analysis

This article introduces sport and exercise analysis options available in the Kubios HRV software. Find out the added value of HRV  in assessing training intensity and athlete’s performance.

PNS and SNS indexes


PNS and SNS indexes

This article introduces the proprietary Kubios HRV indexes for assessing parasympathetic nervous system  (PNS) and sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activations from HRV.

Beat detection and HRV time series


Beat detection and HRV time series

This article examines the accuracy of beat detection from ECG and PPG recordings, exploring how sampling rates and analytical methods influence this process and its subsequent impact on HRV analysis accuracy.

Preprocessing of HRV data


Preprocessing of HRV data

This article provides guidance on preprocessing HRV data, highlighting the importance of removing noise, correcting beat detection, and eliminating nonstationarities to ensure accurate HRV analysis.

HRV Analysis Methods


HRV analysis methods

This article describes the various time-domain, frequency-domain, and nonlinear HRV analysis methods. Find out how different HRV parameters are calculated to better understand their physiological interpretation.